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Innocence Project of
New Orleans

IPNO frees innocent people sentenced to life in prison and those serving unjust sentences. We recognize the root causes of wrongful convictions and unjust sentences as systemic racism and inequities. We work to expose and address these root causes by sharing our clients’ stories in court, the legislature, the community and the media. We support our clients living well and fully in the world after their release.


Mapes & Mapes


A highly-effective team of Louisiana Lobbyists.


Power Coalition For

Equity & Justice

The Power Coalition for Equity and Justice works to build power and voice in traditionally disenfranchised communities across Louisiana.


Entergy Corporation

Entergy Louisiana, LLC serves approximately 1.1 million* electric customers in 58 parishes.


Louisiana Hospital Association

Louisiana Hospital Association (LHA) is a not-for-profit association representing all types of hospitals and healthcare systems throughout the state. 


Louisiana Clinical   

Social Worker Association 

The Louisiana Association of Clinical Social Workers (LACSW) is a voluntary association of clinical social workers whose mission is “to define, represent, promote, and protect clinical social work as a knowledge-based, client-centered profession, which provides quality mental health services to the general public.”


Crescent River Pilots Associations

The Crescent River Port Pilots' Association is commissioned by the State to provide Louisiana’s offering of safe commerce and tourism. The extraordinary business of the river includes imports and exports from 90 different nations making Louisiana’s port system the busiest port complex in the world.

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Goings Group LLC

The Goings Group manages strategic initiatives and advocates for clients in the governmental relations arena.

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Government Affairs 

Cornerstone is a full-service, bipartisan consulting firm specializing in federal and state government relations, public affairs and strategic communications, and advisory services.


The Alchemind Group

Product Manager

Darrell Hunt  founded the Alchemind Group to serve individual clients and associations in a broad range of industries, professions and specialties. He has developed strategies and managed issues for clients in: health care, telecommunications, environmental, legal, education, oil and gas, renewable energy and others. Hunt enjoys close relationships with leadership at all levels of state and local government in Louisiana and serves in a number of volunteer and appointed positions in governmental and charitable activities.

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Louisiana Association 

For Justice

Louisiana Association for Justice is a voluntary bar association whose statewide membership is composed mostly of lawyers who have a trial practice. Both defense and plaintiff attorneys belong to the association; however, most LAJ members represent consumer plaintiffs in civil actions.

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